New Guava release: https://github.com/google/guava/releases/tag/v32.0.0
Jira Legacy server System JIRA serverId f52c7d31-6eab-3f0e-93c3-231b5754d506 key JPAR-219 New keys!
On holiday
Jira Legacy server System JIRA serverId f52c7d31-6eab-3f0e-93c3-231b5754d506 key JOIDCRP-29 Had some good feedback from Timo (Aalto University) on the RP plugin. A few improvements are expected (I will file some issues for the RP next week).
Very deep in installer space
Jira Legacy server System JIRA serverId f52c7d31-6eab-3f0e-93c3-231b5754d506 key IDP-2105 The Installer, plugin & module code is in a state of flux
Refactoring Plugin Installer bugs fixed
Jira Legacy server System JIRA serverId f52c7d31-6eab-3f0e-93c3-231b5754d506 key IDP-2073 multiple bugs found and fixed
Much of the discussion in JIRA, so go there for more details.
Some open questions in the agenda.
Jira Legacy server System JIRA serverId f52c7d31-6eab-3f0e-93c3-231b5754d506 key IDP-2121 Played with moving a plugin up to Java17.
Should I write up a how to? (frequent pitfalls and so on)
And not losing sight of module/plugin metrics