Name | Type | Default | Description |
generatedAttributeID | string | ID of the connector | ID of the IdPAttribute generated |
salt encodedSalt saltLookupStrategyRef 4.3 | string | | When any of these are set, the initial values are generated in accordance with the ComputedId DataConnector; see that documentation for more information. |
encoding | string | BASE64 | Controls the eventual text encoding of the value, this should be set to "BASE32" for new deployments (see the warning box about case sensitivity under PersistentNameIDGenerationConfiguration) |
queryTimeout | Duration | PT5S | Timeout for the queries made against the database |
transactionRetries | integer | 3 | Number of retries if insertion fails due to database transaction bugs |
tableName 4.1 | string | shibpid | Overrides name of database table to use |
failFastInitialize | boolean | false | Whether a failure when verifying the database's availability and primary key during startup is fatal (prevents the AttributeResolver service from starting or the configuration from reloading) |
retryableErrors | space-delimited list of strings | 23000 23505 | SQLState codes to treat as retryable errors indicating a duplicate insert due to database transaction bugs |
exceptionMapRef | Bean ID | | References a Spring bean defining a map of exception overrides for altering salt or suppressing generation of IDs for users and services. See the "Sparse Overrides" section in the PersistentNameIDGenerationConfiguration topic. |