A complete example is attached to this page for your reference. The rest of this page will cover individual beans used in the file.
Velocity Bean
The MCB makes use of Apache Velocity in order to render the login pages and the selection page for authentication methods. This allows the template files to live outside of the Shibboleth WAR and be updated independently of it. The default velocity.properties file also is set to poll for changed pages every 2 seconds. You can adjust that to suit your business needs.
The only value here that needs to be modified is the file.resource.loader.path value. It must point to the directory where the velocity.properties file lives.
Authentication Bean
Authentication beans represent the submodules used to authenticate users. They must implement the edu.internet2.middleware.assurance.mcb.authn.provider.MCBSubmmodule Interface. The interface itself is defined as:
The bean id value must be unique for each submodule you define. However, it is possible to use the same submodule code to define multiple beans (meaning you could have two or more JAASLoginSubmodules in your file). For the standard JAAS submodule, two constructor arguments are needed. The first is the JAAS configuration name (from the standard login.config file) that will be used. The second is the name of the velocity template to use for the login page.
Configuration Bean
The configuration bean represents the data that is in the MCB multi-context-broker.xml configuration file. By loading it as a bean, the configuration information is available to all parts of the MCB at runtime.