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If you have more advanced needs, just define your own bean that inherits from one of these, and override any settings as needed. For example, instead of relying on the global idp.httpclient.socketTimeout property, perhaps you want to define a special client instance with a shorter timeout:

Code Block
<bean id="ShortTimeoutHttpClient parent="shibboleth.NonCachingHttpClient" p:socketTimeout="PT5S" />


The examples below, which are necessarily specific to particular components' use of the HttpClient, demonstrate how this works, but in practice what it means is that you should always start by configuring a component using the HttpClient with theĀ HttpClientSecurityParameters wiring needed to implement your needs, let it fail and log something like the following:

Code Block
TBD19:04:53.364 - - WARN [] - Configured TLS trust engine was not used to verify server TLS credential, the appropriate socket factory was likely not configured
19:04:53.366 - - ERROR [net.shibboleth.idp.profile.impl.ResolveAttributes:299] - Profile Action ResolveAttributes: Error resolving attributes
net.shibboleth.idp.attribute.resolver.ResolutionException: Data Connector 'webservice': HTTP request failed
 at net.shibboleth.idp.attribute.resolver.dc.http.impl.HTTPDataConnector.retrieveAttributes(
Caused by: Evaluation of server TLS credential with configured TrustEngine was not performed

Then make the final change to the HttpClient bean to fix the error by overriding the tLSSocketFactory property (note the weird mixed case, that's due to the usual "first character is lower case" property convention in Java beans). The IdP includes a pair of socket factories declared for this purpose, shibboleth.SecurityEnhancedTLSSocketFactory and shibboleth.SecurityEnhancedTLSSocketFactoryWithClientTLS

So the final step to adding advanced TLS support is, for example:

Code Block
<bean id="SecurityEnhancedHttpClient parent="shibboleth.NonCachingHttpClient"
	p:tLSSocketFactory-ref="shibboleth.SecurityEnhancedTLSSocketFactory" />
