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The ValueRegex (basic:AttributeValueRegex type  prior to 3.2.0) type matches attributes values against the supplied Java Regular Expression

Confusingly, the basic:AttributeValueRegextheValueRegex type can be a Matcher or a PolicyRequirement.

  • If no attributeID attribute is specified then it is a Matcher (returning that value if it is present amongst the values, and the empty set otherwise)
  • If an attributeID attribute is specified then it is a PolicyRule (returning true if that that is present amongst the values for the specified attribute).

Schema Name

The basic:AttributeValueRegexValueRegex  type is defined by the urn:mace:shibboleth:2.0:afp:mf:basic schema, which can be located at


Two attributes may be specified


Code Block
titleSimple Profile Policy
<afp:PolicyRequirementRule<PolicyRequirementRule xsi:type="basic:AttributeValueRegexValueRegex" regex="^hn.*$" attributeID="uid"/>


Code Block
titleSimple Matcher
<afp:AttributeRule<AttributeRule attributeID="uid">
   <afp:PermitValueRule<PermitValueRule xsi:type="basic:AttributeValueRegexValueRegex" regex="^hn.*$" />

Add any values of the attribute "uid" with start "hn" to its permitted values list.

Code Block
titleCompound PolicyRule (deprecated)
<afp:PolicyRequirementRule<PolicyRequirementRule xsi:type="basic:AttributeValueRegexValueRegex" regex="^hn.*$"/>

Apply this rule if any attribute contains a value which starts with hn

Code Block
titleCompound Matcher (deprecated)
<afp:AttributeRule<AttributeRule attributeID="email">
   <afp:PermitValueRule<PermitValueRule xsi:type="basic:AttributeValueRegexValueRegex" regex="^hn.*$" attributeID="uid"/>

If the attribute "uid" contains any value which starts hn then release all values of "email" .