The goal of the ID-WSF specifications is to aggregate and where necessary profile existing public/standard specifications for developing web service (i.e. SOAP) applications so that interoperable implementations (commercial and open source) are possible. There is a particular focus on securing web services, in a manner composable with the capabilities of SAML, so that it becomes possible to deploy secure web services irrespective of the security and policy boundaries between web service consumers and providers.
Most of the specifications emerging in the web services arena, particularly the ones related to security, are extremely complex and general. If multiple developers designed a project using them, it's more likely they'd win a lottery than produce solutions that would even resemble each other, let alone interoperate. This is great if you sell consulting services, not so great if you're looking for real standards.
The goal here is to provide a roadmap to understanding the capabilities of the ID-WSF 2.0 specifications. The full set of documents is large, complex, and in a few places somewhat rough, but they can be understood as a set of building blocks that can be recombined into a usable solution for a variety of requirements. They may also be useful as input into solutions in other problem domains outside of web services, particular those based around SAML. ID-WSF is a good way to see how SAML can be applied to problems beyond just web single sign-on.
ID-WSF is also designed to compose with the ! IdP-managed privacy features in SAML 2.0, such as pseudonymous user identifiers, and avoids introducing opportunities for correlation of user activity.%COMMENT%