Shibboleth Developer's Meeting, Feb 21, 2014
Call Administrivia
10:00 Central US / 11:00 Eastern US / 16:00 UK
Dial-in attendee identification.
- IDP-368 : getId() / setId() either Identified/Identifiable or
Named/Nameableor ? - IDP-369 : Custom prototype annotation or interface providing isPrototype() / getScope() ?
- IDP-375 : Port audit and access logging, include error logging, any relevance to IDP-334 'idp -t' ?
- JPAR-40 : Some artifacts still need to be uploaded to our third-party Nexus repo.
- I have some dumb questions regarding "public key not found"
- JPAR-51 : Change Maven checksum policy from "warn" to "fail"
- JSPT-34 : Propose that Unicon host their own Jenkins for integration tests, start with the Tomcat 6.0.33+ trustManagerClassName + "trust all certs" trust manager
- Should message handlers be declared similar to actions rather than as a chain ?