Shibboleth Developer's Meeting, August 16, 2013
60 to 90 minute call window.
Deep in metadata resolver redesign and impl. Existing providers have been refactored in a coarse way to the new resolver API. Removed the old metadata credential caching bits, to be replaced by a new mechanism which caches the resolved creds directly on the relevant XMLObject via new "object metadata" API (or other name TBD).
A lot of metadata support design discussion this week on the dev list. At this point I've warmed to the idea of doing some amount of pre-processing in the batch-oriented resovlers, at least for entityID indexing and converting EntitiesDescriptor/@Name data to a representation on EntityDescriptor. Now also have general working idea about how to handle Extensions, via a plugin interface.
Out today.
Nothing to report. NOTE I'm going to be away (business travel/vacation/conference) on and off from Tuesday until 10/17.