# In addition to the Apache 2.0 license, this content is also licensed # under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported license # (see http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/). idp.terms-of-use.accept=利用規約に同意します。 idp.terms-of-use.submit=送信 idp.terms-of-use.reject=拒否 idp.terms-of-use.required=続行する場合は、このチェックボックスにチェックを入れてください。 https\://sp.example.org=example-tou-1 example-tou-1.title=利用規約の例 example-tou-1.text=*** This is an example ToU - tailor due to your needs ***

Example organization AAI services\: Terms of Use (ToU)

A. Data Protection Sample Clause

"The End User notes that personal data about the End User is compiled from generally available sources and from communications received from the End User and other Universities as well as from off-site sources. The policy relating to the use and procession of such data is posted on the University website at [...]. Such data will be used, inter alia, to authenticate and authorize the access to and use of various resources within the University and on other sites ("Approved Uses"). The End User hereby consents to the collection, processing, use and release of such data to the extent reasonably necessary for the Approved Uses. Such consent includes, but is not limited to, the release of personal data to other institutions by employing cookies and electronically exchanging, caching and storing personal authorization attributes."

B. Limitation of Liability

"To the extent permitted by the applicable law, the End User hereby waives all and any claims for cost and damages, whether direct or indirect, incidental, or consequential(including, inter alia, loss of use and lost profits), both in contract and in tort, arising from the use or in any way related to the inter-organizational authentication and authorization services which allow the End User to access certain resources of other organizations. This waiver of claims shall be valid and effective in relation to all participants of the inter-organizational authentication and authorization services including the AAI Service Provider and its affiliates, officers, employees and agents."

idp.attribute-release.revoke=このサービスへの属性送信の同意を取り消します。 idp.attribute-release.title=送信属性の選択 idp.attribute-release.attributesHeader=サービスに送信される情報 idp.attribute-release.serviceNameLabel=あなたがアクセスしようとしているサービス\: idp.attribute-release.of=/ idp.attribute-release.serviceDescriptionLabel=サービスから提示された説明\: idp.attribute-release.informationURLLabel=サービスに関する追加情報 idp.attribute-release.privacyStatementURLLabel=サービスのデータプライバシー情報 idp.attribute-release.showDetails=詳細 idp.attribute-release.accept=同意 idp.attribute-release.reject=拒否 idp.attribute-release.confirmationQuestion=続行すると上記の情報はこのサービスに送信されます。このサービスにアクセスするたびに、あなたに関する情報を送信することに同意しますか? idp.attribute-release.consentMethod=同意方法の選択\: idp.attribute-release.consentMethodRevoke=この設定はログインページのチェックボックスでいつでも取り消すことができます。 idp.attribute-release.doNotRememberConsent=次回ログイン時に再度チェックします。 idp.attribute-release.doNotRememberConsentItem=今回だけ情報を送信することに同意します。 idp.attribute-release.rememberConsent=このサービスに送信する情報が変わった場合は、再度チェックします。 idp.attribute-release.rememberConsentItem=今回と同じ情報であれば今後も自動的にこのサービスに送信することに同意します。 idp.attribute-release.globalConsent=今後はチェックしません。 idp.attribute-release.globalConsentItem=すべての私に関する情報を今後アクセスするすべてのサービスに送信することに同意します。